
My research has progressed and evolved into new projects driven by the results of my experimentation.

ICH Detection

    Deep Learning - July - August, 2020

    (In collaboration with Bharat Choudhary)
  • Automated ICH Detection using Ensemble MultiLabel Classifier with Imbalanced Source.
  • A hybrid Deep learning solution on medical images of brain X-Ray Scans which are in DICOM format.
  • Productionize deep learning models with django in web appication.

Retail Sector Forecast

    Time Series - September, 2020

    (In collaboration with Panwar Abhash Anil & Sajal Sharma)
  • Interesting insights were found out such as worst sales and maximum sales.
  • Applied classical Time Series Analysis and Deep Learning techniques on analysing the data.

Sentiment Analysis

    Natural Language Processing - June, 2020

  • Machine learning with NLP to organize unstructured text data automatically.
  • Automated process of analyzing text data and sorting it into sentiments positive, negative, or neutral reactions.



Automated ICH Detection using Ensemble MultiLabel
Classifier with Imbalanced Source

(In collaboration with Bharat Choudhary & Upasana Talukdar )
  • Submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters
  • Elviser Publication

Take a look at my published work to get a better idea of the fruits of my research labor.


Optimization in the Transportation Problem

  • Medium - Towards Data Science
  • July 4, 2020
Transportation problem (TP) with example (N-W Corner Rule, Least cost method, VAM, Balanced TP, Unbalanced TP)

Blurring or Smoothing Out Images — OpenCV

  • Medium - The Startup
  • August 15, 2020
OpenCV python code for blurring an image using kernel or filter with the basic concepts of convolution, low pass filter, frequency of image, etc. by converting it into a gray scale image.

Saving Images — OpenCV

  • Medium - AI in Plain English
  • September 13, 2020
OpenCV’s imwrite to save an image in a specific location with python code.

Hadoop: Setting up a Single Node Cluster in Windows

  • Medium
  • October 11, 2020
Install and configure the pseudo-distributed mode of Hadoop 3.1 in Windows 10 by setting up a single node cluster.